Greg Clancy’s Susan Island Fauna Report Launch

On Thursday 23rd November Clarence Valley Council supported the launch of Greg Clancy’s most recent report: The Fauna of Susan Island (Nyami Julgaa) 2010-2022.
The morning was spent listening to several talks about the island, including its land-use history, the island’s significance to the First Nations Nyami Julgaa women’s group, vegetation on the island and how the island is now managed for conservation. Council was also pleased to participate in the talks by presenting an overview and update on the Susan Island: Restoring to Reduce Conflict Flying-fox project that is funded by LGNSW Flying-fox Habitat Restoration Program.
Greg Clancy presented the results of his report through a series of great photos of many of the fauna species he was able to survey in 2018 – 94 vertebrate fauna species and 103 invertebrate species. The report was then officially launched by Clarence Valley Council Mayor Peter Johnstone and will be made publicly available through the Clarence Valley Libraries.